
It's March already?

It must be where February is a short month, but March's quick arrival has surprised me. Things are looking up. We have had warm weather. We have turned the house from a pit into something resembling neat again. We have cooked some really delicious meals at home (including homemade bread and cinnamon rolls!), and I even managed to go to the gym!
B and I have finally come to an agreement about the housework. I don't know why it took us so long, or seemed so hard, or unfair. What was unfair was always living in a mess, and being angry and eating out because things were too big of a mess, then feeling crummy because we never managed to do anything other than watch TV and eat crap. The new plan divides most weekly tasks up, and we will alternate. I am excited to see how it goes. I can say that already in less than a week it has had a great mental impact. Just thinking...its not my week has left me with less guilt, and thinking its not B's week has left me with much less anger/ frustration when something isn't done.

Budgetary things are not fun. I go in with grand plans about saving tons of money and then way overspend over the weekend on groceries and other things. The $190 trip to Meijer wasn't good. I was buying a lot of things that were one time purchases, and managed to save $32 in coupons! We both needed razors since keeping a battery in a razor for 5 years leads to a battery that looks like it might explode at any minute. I also bought a swiffer mop vacuum thing. Not a need at all, but I thought it would help keep the kitchen floor clean and with my $10 coupon it was only $14. My goal for the rest of the month is to see how little I can spend on groceries and still get by. I need to find better snack options for X, other than the Gerber snacks if I want to cut down on spending, trouble is they are just SO convenient. Convenience is what often ruins my best laid budget plans.

So the remainder of the week I am going to try to stick to our menu. Here is what it looks like
Tuesday - Hamburgers, french fries and green beans
Wednesday - we are being taken out by the In-laws.
Thursday - Leftovers or spaghetti made from Tuesdays hamburger
Friday- Fish Tacos
Saturday-Homemade pizza

And thinking ahead to avoid grocery shopping if possible
Sunday- Chicken stir fry
Monday - BBQ pork in the crock-pot
Tuesday Jambalaya with chicken and pork
Wednesday Pasta of some sort
Thursday BBQ sandwiches
Friday - Omelets

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